
John gwynne shadow of the gods book 2
John gwynne shadow of the gods book 2

john gwynne shadow of the gods book 2

In classic John Gwynne style we're given a world that is brutal, lush, and full of dangers known and unknown. While Biorr finds himself back amongst Islka and her Raven Feeders he must find his way again as he is haunted by his decisions from book one. Elvar finds herself in a new position among the Battle-grim and she must balance that responsibility against the blood oath she swore to the seidr-witch Uspa to find Uspa's missing family on pain of death.

john gwynne shadow of the gods book 2

Something that he is not entirely used to. Varg continues his hunt for the person who sold and potentially killed his sister while cementing himself further amongst the Bloodsworn who've become a family to him. Orca cares little for this beyond the fact that Lik-Rifa's followers are the ones that have her son Breca. Lik-Rifa the dragon god is risen and she is out for vengence and blood. Our three constant characters have now consistently grown to five as we follow Orca, Varg and Elvar as well as more perspectives from Biorr and Gudvarr. We are reunited with characters from the first book pretty much immediately after the events of In The Shadow of the Gods.

john gwynne shadow of the gods book 2

The Hunger of the Gods by John Gwynne is the second installment in his Bloodsworn Saga. Thank you Net Galley and Orbit Books US for the digital ARC.

John gwynne shadow of the gods book 2