It could mean that you are thoughtful and very, very smart. His cautiousness and reservedness at the beginning of the story lead other criminals into thinking that he is weak, “he doesn’t just walk away from trouble, he runs.” What people don’t understand, and the reader soon finds out is that caution does not necessarily mean forceless. This is ironic because Leo is anything but. From there, the story progresses through a series of backstabbing and double-crossing that leave various people dead. Leo agrees to the heist against his better Judgement, swayed by an attraction to recovering heroin addict Greta. At Ivan’s age, breaking heroin addiction becomes untenable so Leo provides palliative care to Ivan. Ivan is addicted to heroin and has Alzheimer’s. A former heist strategist who has left the life of crime to take care of Ivan, an old family friend. The premise revolves around the protagonist, Leo Patterson. Knowing all this if you want to continue into this world, it is quite a ride. Each of the volumes is a different story arc all taking place in the same world.The protagonist of volume 1, and from what I understand continuing volumes throughout the series are anti-heroes.To sear some of the images on the frontal lobe. The story is designed to haunt the reader. What there is though, is dark searing dialog, blood, violence, and language.

There are no superheroes, magic, aliens, or mystical forces.

Coward is the story of Leo, a professional pickpocket who is also a legendary heist-planner and thief. 2: Lawless Aboutįrom Harvey Award-Winning Best Writer Ed Brubaker, and Scream Award-Winning Best Artist Sean Phillips comes the first collection of Criminal, one of the best reviewed comics of 2006. Hyde had been right about family, there was no escaping it…Įven when there was no one left to run from.” The city around him, white and grey and cold, felt suddenly so small. Just empty regret and bitter heartbreak, wandering the streets.

That’s what he had come for… But it didn’t really exist, did it?